Avoid the lines by ordering ahead on our website or mobile app. Employees will monitor auditoriums throughout each performance as a standard practice. The big screen is back at Movie Tavern Syracuse We look forward to welcoming you for a spectacular movie experience New Food and Beverage Ordering Procedures Due to challenges in the labor market, we no longer offer waitstaff service. Two Movie Tickets with Popcorn, Valid Before. Those not vaccinated, including children, masks can be removed only while eating and drinking while seated in an auditorium. Two or Four Tickets with Popcorn or Specialty Pizza at Brewvies Cinema Pub (Up to 45 Off). Masks will not be required unless you are not vaccinated. The CDC continues to recommend masks and social distancing for vaccinated people. State and local guidelines vary based on local conditions and vaccination rates. With rapid improvements in COVID-19 case rates, increasingly widespread vaccinations, and recent CDC guidance that vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks or socially distance, the movie theater industry will continue to meet or exceed state and local public health guidelines. You will definitely want to get your tickets in advance, as this is something that has sold out in the past for Regal, and it probably will again this year. CenterPoint Legacy Theatre is a Utah performance arts company proudly bringing Broadway magic to. .edu/rcwriters/pluginall-in-one-event-calendar&controllerai1ecexportercontroller&actionexportevents&ai1eccatids13,4,5,17,6ěEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.26.9// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-FROM-URL.

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Week 5: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse & Angry Birds Movie 2.Week 3: LEGONinjango Movie & Trolls World Tour.Week 2: Croods: A New Age & Muppet Movie.Week 1: LEGO Batman Movie & Pokemon Detective Pikachu.